Laura Kavanaugh + Ian Birse ::::::: Instant Places 2014

The Norfolk Arts Centre has invited us to create a soundwork that centres on the 23-bell carillon in Simcoe Ontario. We are making our initial visit in August 2014.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today! The Network is Eternal----->>>>

Streaming live !!! from JNAAG in Sarnia, 2PM to midnight EST January 17.

Audio stream link and info (iTunes/Winamp MP3): 

Video stream (iPhone/Desktop):

Robert Filliou first proposed "Art's Birthday" in 1963. He suggested that 1,000,000 years ago, there was no art. But one day, on January 17 to be precise, Art was born. Filliou says it happened when someone dropped a dry sponge into a bucket of water. He also proposed a public holiday to celebrate the presence of art in our lives. Art's Birthday was first publicly celebrated in 1973 in Auchen, Germany and at the same time in Paris, France.

How did the Eternal Network come into being? Robert Filliou and George Brecht close their artist space La Cedille qui Sourit, located in Villefranche, France in 1968. They go "bankrupt." They announce the post avant-garde formation of the ongoing international network of artists.

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