Laura Kavanaugh + Ian Birse ::::::: Instant Places 2014

The Norfolk Arts Centre has invited us to create a soundwork that centres on the 23-bell carillon in Simcoe Ontario. We are making our initial visit in August 2014.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

InstantPlaces at JNAAG: Art's Birthday 2013 archive

During Art's Birthday (January 17) we broadcast new electronic music from 2PM to midnight EST,
using handmade software for audio sampling/mixing and generating rhythmic textures with altered guitar and analog feedback systems.

Laura made new compositions using a custom MAX/MSP software instrument, live sampling vocals and transforming samples she recorded of her piano improvisations. Local collaborators worked at a sound table where drawing gestures and percussive sounds were amplified and sent to the mix, and incoming audio streams from the international Art's Birthday community were sampled and transformed. The archive link is to 19 30 second excerpts from the broadcast.

Some excerpts incorporate remixed streams from Peter Courtemanche/Anna Friz, Mobile Radio BSP (30th São Paulo Bienal), Tone Deaf/Queens U Kingston with local live collaborators Jane Austin, Norman Barney, John (didn't catch the last name but he took our invitation to drive the feedback systems!) and others.

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